REE/Base Metals
On 4 November 2021, the company announced the acquisition of Skyline Resources which holds the Skyline Rare Earth Project. The project is located in the Gascoyne Province of Western Australia and consists of 100% owned exploration licence application ELA 09/2643, covering an area of ~247 square kilometres, which is considered to be prospective for monazite hosted rare earth elements.
Adjoin Hasting Technology Metals (ASX:HAS) Yangibana REE project 20.9MT Ore Reserve @ 0.9% TREO - 17 year mine life (ASX Announcement 6 February 2023).
West side of tenement identified REE targets with up to 3173ppm 2 TREO from limited rock chip sampling program Oct ‘22.

White Castles
High-grade rock-chip results up to 18% MnO2 .
Multiple surface manganese outcrops over 50 km of continuous strike.
Little to no exploration undertaken since 2010
Neighbours include FMG to the east, FRB to the north west and Dreadnought Resources (ASX:DRE) to the south west.
The tenements lie within 5 km of recent anomalous REE results from Reach’s Skyline project.
As announced on 18th September 2023, Reach acquired tenement E09/2543 from Firebird Metals (ASX: FRB). Tenement E09/2543 adjoins existing Reach tenure and expands the manganese and rare earth prospectivity of the Company’s assets by ~25%.