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Skyline - REE/Base Metals

On 4 November 2021, the company announced the acquisition of Skyline Resources which holds the Skyline Rare Earth Project.  The project is located in the Gascoyne Province of Western Australia and consists of 100% owned exploration licence application ELA 09/2643, covering an area of ~247 square kilometres, which is considered to be prospective for monazite hosted rare earth elements.


  • Adjoin Hasting Technology Metals (ASX:HAS) Yangibana REE project 20.9MT Ore Reserve @ 0.9% TREO - 17 year mine life (ASX Announcement 6 February 2023).


  • West side of tenement identified REE targets with up to 3173ppm 2 TREO from limited rock chip sampling program Oct ‘22.


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Camel Hill - REE



  • New tenement E09/2388 (Camel Hill) has historical rock-chip samples with total rare earth oxide (TREO) results of up to 1,357 ppm.


  • A ~3.5-km long REE soil anomaly (>500 ppm REE) untested by drilling.


  • Recorded REE anomalies correspond with thorium radiometric highs.


  • The new acquisition combined with tenement E09/2377 increases the land holding for this project area to168 sq km.

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