Phase 1 drilling has intersected multiple thick, stacked pegmatites at the Bonzer Prospect within the Company’s 100%‐owned Morrissey Hill Lithium Project, Yinnetharra WA.
Target pegmatite units have been intersected in every hole drilled, with individual drill intercepts up to 30m in length.
RC drilling has been designed to test near surface extents of outcropping pegmatites while deeper diamond holes are testing for continuity at depth.
Diamond drill cores show multiple pegmatite intersections which is highly encouraging and consistent with the geology at neighbouring Delta Lithium’s (ASX: DLI) Malinda Lithium Project.
First round of assays eagerly expected in early October 2023.
Following encouraging visual expressions1 , the Company is undertaking additional diamond drilling, prior to the commencement of cattle mustering activities in the area.