Spectacular assay resultsreceived from the latestsurface eluvial and rock samplestaken at theWabli Creek rare element (NYF) pegmatite field have returned high grade niobium of 10.3% Nb₂O₅ (23RRRK243) and 2.6% Nb₂O₅ (23RRRK244)*. Additional anomalousrare earth elements (REE) results returned of up to 7082 ppm TREO.
Importantly, samples from the latest program were taken up to 400m east of the previously mapped north‐west pegmatite trend spanning ~1.5km, which returned results up to 14.3% Nb₂O₅, 6.7% Ta₂O₅, 3689 ppm TREO (ASX Announcement 1 June 2023) (Figure 1).
Latest results indicate a potential stacked pegmatite sequence and/or a new niobium/REE mineralisation source.
Additionally, several rock chip samples from the current program have returned results enriched in titanium up to a very high grade of 39% TiO₂ (23RRRK0304) (Figure 1). The presence of titanium at high grades in conjunction with the niobium/REE results is consistent with other known niobium sources and this type of mineralisation.
Based on the exceptional results, Reach have immediately mobilised a team to conduct an ATV assisted grid sampling program to establish the potential for more niobium/REE pegmatites and estimate scale at Wabli Creek.
Preliminary XRD mineralogical analyses on a selection of samples by Intertek Laboratories have identified the key niobium bearing mineral to be Columbite with Nioboixiolite/Ixiolite also dominant and accounting for some REE identification. In addition, Rutile and Ilmenite were also present which are known economic titanium minerals.
Columbite is a key niobium bearing mineral in most of the globally significant niobium deposits and producing mines throughout the world, with a very high niobium to tantalum content. Nioboixiolite is another niobium dominant bearing mineral which often brings rare earth element substitution within its chemical formula.
The Company has two key areas of focus, the Morrissey Hill Lithium project and now the Wabli Creek Niobium/REE project, Yinnetharra, WA.
Soil sample results from the Bonzer pegmatite field at the Company’s Morrissey Hill lithium project are expected in the coming weeks.
Reach Resources Limited (ASX: RR1 & RR1O) (“Reach” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce the results from its latest sampling program from the rare earth element Wabli Creek pegmatite field at the Company’s 100% owned Wabli Creek Project, Yinnetharra, WA. Additional analysis and preliminary XRD mineralogy was undertaken on samples from the latest program to identify the niobium bearing minerals present within surface rock and eluvial samples collected.
“The identification of more high‐grade niobium and REE on the east side of the creek and up to 400 metres away from our last sampling program indicates we may be looking at an additional source of mineralisation. The confirmation of columbite as the major niobium mineral at Wabli Creek is exciting news for the Company and clearly distinguishes two key areas of focus moving forward, our Morrissey Hill Lithium project and our Wabli Creek niobium/REE element project, both in the Yinnetharra district of WA.
We have a team in the field completing detailed geochemical soil and additional rock chip sampling over the entire tenement package and expect in excess of 4,500 samples at the laboratory over the following months. These results will give us a more complete picture of what we are dealing with at each of our projects and importantly our areas of focus for upcoming drilling. The Future is within Reach”.
Jeremy Bower, Reach Resources CEO